Monday, October 26, 2009

Guide to Bubble Tea

If you ever want to try Bubble tea, here are a few tips:

1. Ask yourself: Do you like the taste of fish eggs? The bubbles have a slimy, gooey texture.
Don't squish them, they won't pop.

2. Share the drink with a friend: Just in case you don't like it, you won't end up wasting three dollars. But you will get a delightful experience of throwing the drink out of the car window and then nearly slipping on the bubbles.

3. If you use a straw, drink slowly. : There's nothing better than having a bubble rocket-launched into your throat and no choice but to swallow it.

4. The cups have lids glued to the rims. : I have no idea if they were pre-made, everything was prepared behind a wall. When you go to pierce the plastic with your jumbo straw, be careful. Liquid does shoot out. Thanks gravity.

5. Try it once. : As gross as it seems, at least try it once. It's either a hit or miss with each person. Just be warned: The bubbles will fill you up like you've eaten a meal. So don't decide to try it on a full stomach. You might end up seeing it again.


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